
Results for "Eating for your fertility type/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 61-70 results of 543

A Guide from CCRM on Assisted Reproductive Technologies for the LGBTQ+ Community
CCRM is made up of a team of world-class fertility specialists who invented and optimized techniques and protocols that are widely practiced in the industry today, including comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) and in vitro culture of human embryos to the blastocyst stage. We recently caught up with reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Talebian, who offered us some insight […]
two feet intertwined under the covers
How to Have Sex (if you’re trying to conceive).
I’m going to presume you pretty much have a handle on how to have sex. If you’re looking for inspiration, however, I did write a book on this subject. It’s called Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido and you can buy it online or pick up a copy in our center. But today I’d like to […]
Woman laughing in overalls
Send in the Clowns: Could Laughter be the Key to Improving IVF Cycles?
My patients often ask me what they can do to improve their success during an IVF, and my answer usually surprises them. Laugh!   In addition to receiving acupuncture after having an embryo transfer, I tell my patients to go home, relax, and watch some funny movies. A study published in the respected Fertility and Sterility medical journal last […]
Are Prenatal Vitamins Really Necessary?
It’s a pretty wild concept, I know. How could it be that in our “pill-for-every-ill, nutrition-in-a-bottle” world, swallowing handfuls of daily supplements might just be…. Unnecessary? Here is, however, one way and one-way only. It’s called food.  Real food, to be exact, the kind that sprouts up from the fertile ground or lives on green […]
sliced cucumbers
Fertility-Friendly Recipes From One of Our Patients
One of our lovely Yinova patients was reading our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility when they had a thought: why don’t we start sharing some fertility-friendly recipes on the blog? I loved the idea and thought their first two recipe suggestions were great! These recipes are inspired by our book and […]
Rustic table with healthy food options
Weight and Fertility
Many of our patients are surprised to find out how much their weight can impact their ability to conceive. In fact, an estimated 12% of all infertility issues are weight-related, and maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) is one of the most helpful things you can do to enhance your fertility. So what is […]
India's rolling green hills
A Look Into the World of Ayurveda with Divya Alter
Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two sciences that put emphasis on prevention and intuition. We had the honor of chatting with Divya Alter, co-founder of Divya’s Kitchen and Bhagavat Life in New York City to learn more about Ayurveda and the role it plays in her life.   How did your journey into nutrition and Ayurveda […]
A stick of moxa, a traditional chinese dried herb, ignited with a soft smoke wafting over it
6 Surprising Ways You Can Use Moxa
Here at Yinova, we love moxa! Moxa, or Ai Ye, is an herb used to warm and stimulate acupuncture points through a process called moxibustion. It improves circulation to relieve pain, boosts energy, and in some cases can be used to warm the uterus to treat some types of infertility. It’s is a great addition […]
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