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Displaying 41-50 results of 543

woman looking down with clasped hands
RMA & Yinova: An East Meets West Approach to PCOS & Fertility
Join Yinova founder, Dr. Jill Blakeway, and co-director of RMA of New York, Dr. Tanmoy Mukherjee, on September 23rd at 4 pm for a virtual discussion about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) from both an Eastern and Western perspective. During this discussion, they will share their knowledge, offer advice, and answer any questions you may have. You […]
star gazing on purple, magical, stars
Astrology & Fertility
Astrology means literally ‘language of the stars.’ When working with astrology you closely align yourself to earth’s natural rhythms. Asking questions about any time-related issue such as pregnancy can benefit from astrology’s gift for translating good luck into good timing. Astrology isn’t an exact science but it can help you develop trust and intuition in […]
Nutrient Dense Fats & Conception
When we’re trying to conceive, we all know it is important to eat well. We at Yinova recommend certain foods for different fertility types, you an find out your type here, but in general, it is best to eat a broad range of whole, organic foods: lots of vegetables and fruit (in all colors!), healthy carbs […]
Chemicals to Avoid When Trying to Conceive
When trying to conceive, it’s important to prepare your body by cleaning up your diet and dropping some unhealthy habits. This isn’t always easy, but it it’s definitely worth making some sacrifices in order to have a healthy pregnancy. Here are a few key chemicals to start with that will impact your journey in a […]
An Infertility Gratitude List
You’ve heard the story a thousand times before: woman spends the better part of her adult life trying to not get pregnant then tries to get pregnant and can’t… Shortly after turning 36, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I decided we wanted to have kids together. At first we thought it could happen right […]
Male Factor Infertility: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
When patients come to The Yinova Center for fertility treatment we always ask if they or their partner, if they have one, has had a semen analysis. Women* who are not getting pregnant often assume that the problem lies with them and many are surprised to find out that for 40% of infertile couples the […]
An Over-Zealous Fertility Diet: A Patient’s Story
I asked our lovely Yinova patient Kate to write this week’s blog entry. When Kate came to see me she had been trying to conceive for several years. She had been diligent about seeking out advice from a variety of conventional and complementary practitioners and had followed their orders to the letter. A previous acupuncturist […]
Hormonal Reasons for Reduced Fertility: Luteal Phase Defect
When a patient first consults me I ask lots of questions, some of which may seem off-topic, but together they give me a picture of their internal landscape and from there the detective work begins. Sometimes I manage to spot something very simple that may be getting in the way of conceiving and an example […]
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