
Results for "Eating for your fertility type/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 481-490 results of 543

face oil
5 Chinese Beauty Secrets
At the Yinova Center, we take issue with the old adage that “beauty is only skin deep”. Chinese medicine sees beauty as a reflection of the state of someone’s whole body. Radiance comes from a strong, vibrant spirit, good nourishment, and enough rest. The holistic nature of Chinese medicine lends itself to the notion that […]
The Healing Power of Manuka Honey
For thousands of years, all over the world, honey has been prescribed for its antibacterial properties. The ancient Egyptians used it to treat sores and soldiers in the trenches, during World War One, applied it to their wounds. However, with the popularity of antibiotics, honey took a back seat and was dismissed as a home […]
Healthy Alternatives Throughout Pregnancy
“Everyone keeps telling me what I can’t eat”, moaned a newly pregnant Yinova patient, “but no one is telling me what to eat instead”. This blog is for anyone who would like some help making healthy food choices when pregnant. Fear not! I know we’ve asked you to limit the coffee and cut the sushi […]
red corn in a basket
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you all I have much to be thankful for. When I think about The Yinova Center, what I am most grateful for is the sense of community that we have been able to create. All of us – practitioners, administrators, and patients feel connected. I love the fact that I can walk into […]
Pink and white flowers
Morning Sickness? Try These Solutions
As many of you have pointed out to me morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer because in real life a wave of nausea or vomiting can strike pregnant women at any time of the day or night. Between 60% and 80% of pregnant women experience some nausea and vomiting although for most women […]
woman sitting near creek
Stress and Anxiety
Stress hurts our bodies. It increases our blood pressure and our cortisol levels, lowers our immune function, and contributes to a wide range of symptoms such as headaches, digestive disturbances, muscle pain, palpitations, insomnia, weight gain, substance abuse, and hormonal imbalances. A lifetime of stress can contribute to a heart attack, cancer, thyroid problems, and […]
Uterine Fibroids – How you can help yourself
A 35 year old patient came to see me because of heavy periods which resulted in a  diagnoses of anemia. A 45 year old patient whose abdomen protruded so much that their friends had mistakenly thought they were pregnant. A 39 year old patient who was having difficulty conceiving.. What all these patients had in […]
Studies on the Efficacy of Acupuncture
Fertility IVF Good clinical research has demonstrated the effectiveness of acupuncture used in conjunction with IVF demonstrating around a 50% increase in success rate with acupuncture vs. without. Acupuncture works to increase success rates of these interventions by increasing blood flow to the ovaries during the stimulation phase of IVF and by improving the effectiveness of […]
About Yinova Center
What is the Yinova Center? The Yinova Center is a leading acupuncture and Chinese Medicine practice acclaimed for its expertise in women’s health. Working in partnership with patients, Yinova is dedicated to providing integrative care with meaningful results. At the Yinova Center, we believe that good medicine combines the best that Eastern and Western medicine has to […]
Postnatal Massage
Postnatal massage is a wonderful way to get your body back on track after giving birth. An abdominal massage during this time can help with pelvic floor health and digestive and bladder function. Postnatal massage sessions can also focus on reducing stress, improving circulation and reducing muscle tension and joint pain.  Whether you delivered via […]
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