
Results for "Eating for your fertility type/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_1_0.woff2"

Displaying 81-90 results of 510

red headed woman in a. floral dress leans against an orange wall
Fertility Cervical Mucus
What Your Cervical Fluid Means to You We’re talking mucus here, people. Getting to know yours helps you predict when you ovulate so you can time intercourse to optimize your chances of conceiving. So get used to it: mucus, mucus, mucus. Your cycle begins with your period, and immediately after your period your vagina will feel […]
Someone sitting quietly in a blue chair
Do You Have PCOS?
Over the past few years, I have noticed a rise in people coming to the Yinova Center for acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. These patients usually have irregular periods or in many cases, no periods, and are looking to regulate their cycles in a natural way. What is PCOS? […]
Two girls from behind , running in the middle of a dry field they wearing maxi dresses.
Let’s Make This the Year of Realistic Resolutions
Having a New Year’s resolution can be a helpful tool for self-improvement, but it can also end up being super stressful. Yes, challenging yourself towards self-improvement can be a good thing, but with so many suggestions flying around, the “thing” that you “need” to improve on can start to get a bit murky. It seems […]
A Guide from CCRM on Assisted Reproductive Technologies for the LGBTQ+ Community
CCRM is made up of a team of world-class fertility specialists who invented and optimized techniques and protocols that are widely practiced in the industry today, including comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) and in vitro culture of human embryos to the blastocyst stage. We recently caught up with reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Talebian, who offered us some insight […]
Women’s Fertility
“Our experience at the Yinova center was amazing from the first moment we walked into the center. As Jill Blakeway’s patient I have never felt more cared for in any other professional establishment. Jill was present and listened to my concerns from the first minute and was always there for us in any stage of […]
Xiao Yao San and Unexplained Infertility
Xiao Yao San is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formula that has been used for centuries to treat various health conditions. There is some evidence to suggest that it may be beneficial for people who are experiencing unexplained infertility.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), fertility is determined by the balance of yin and yang […]
Hands holding kale
A Recipe for a Kale, Lemon, and Cilantro Sandwich
I wrote my first book, Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility, with a doctor, and in the book both Dr. David and I, strongly suggest that couples wanting to conceive should incorporate a fertility-friendly lifestyle. Your diet is one of the main ways you can change your body chemistry every day, which is why […]
Fertility Types
Women’s Fertility In her book Making Babies, Jill identified five fertility types. These work for both men and women and were based on the Yinova Method developed here in our center. Below is some advice for each type (there’s a lot more detail in the book). You can take a quiz to find out your […]
Various forms of hormonal birth control
Can Longterm Birth Control Use Affect Your Fertility?
If you haven’t heard, birth control pills have become free to insured Americans as of August 1, 2012. Also, pap smears, mammograms, HIV and other STI screenings and counseling, gestational diabetes screenings during pregnancy, lactation support and equipment, and domestic violence screenings all became available the same day. Soon, all Americans (not just those who […]
Fertility Nutrition
Women’s Fertility At The Yinova Center we encourage you to eat a diet that includes fresh, seasonal foods that are organic if possible. Make sure that you get enough protein and eat a broad range of vegetables especially leafy greens, orange vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables. Make sure that you are adequately hydrated and don’t forget to eat some […]
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