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New York Times Style: 911
“Jill is a fertility goddess,” says Marisa Schwartz, a 39-year-old Brooklyn-based teacher who conceived two sons under Blakeway’s care after trying unsuccessfully for five years.
Well Woman
Taking Care of Yourself in a Busy World The Yinova Center is a natural home for women who are juggling complicated lives, trying to support not just their own health but also the health of their loved ones. This describes not just our patients, but also our practitioners! We have struggled with our weight, dealt […]
Eucalyptus, an herb used in Chinese medicine
Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine Your practitioner may well prescribe you some herbs. Chinese herbs differ from western herbs in that they are almost always prescribed as a formula containing 5 – 15 herbs. Combining different types of herbs in different quantities helps us to craft a formula to address your specific symptom pattern. The Chinese material medical […]
Chinese Medical Diagnosis
CHINESE MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Do not be alarmed if your practitioner wants to look at your tongue, or asks you a bunch of questions about pee and poo. It’s all a part of the system of Chinese medical diagnosis developed over thousands of years to identify significant patterns of signs and symptoms that reveal much about […]
Acupuncture for Pediatrics
Chinese medicine is a safe, natural, and gentle way of addressing many common childhood ailments. From allergies to tummy aches, acupuncture has been used for hundreds of years in China to treat children. Pediatric acupuncture is gaining popularity in the West as parents seek more holistic ways of supporting their children’s health. At Yinova, we […]
Acupuncture for Men’s Health
Acupuncture and herbs can be beneficial for supporting all of the unique challenges and changes that occur as men age. From supporting fertility, virility and sperm quality to addressing prostate inflammation and hormone balance: Chinese herbs and acupuncture are a great addition to any man’s health routine. LOW LIBIDO It is estimated that 31% of […]
We take pride in the level of skill, experience, & care that our practitioners apply to each & every patient. Initial Consultation Your first experience at Yinova starts with an initial consultation where your practitioner will go over your health history in depth, followed by an acupuncture treatment. Your initial consultation can be done virtually […]
Woman with hands hair
Hair Loss: How Chinese Medicine Can Help
“It started with a few extra strands on my hairbrush and before I knew it there were patches so thin you could see my scalp” Elaine*, in their mid-thirties, and understandably devastated when their hair began to fall out. Elaine had tried a variety of medicines before coming to see us at the Yinova Center […]
Reviving your Sex Drive
“Can you help me get my mojo back?” Karen¹ was a tired parent with two small children who was worried about their lack of libido. Here at the Yinova Center we regularly hear from people who are concerned that they have little or no interest in sex. To a certain extent, it’s normal for sexual desire […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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