
Results for "Eating for your fertility type/page/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_2_0.woff2"

Displaying 1-10 results of 514

Woman in greenery holding a book
Study Reveals that Blood Group May Affect Fertility
Women* with a common blood type could be twice as likely to suffer from fertility problems, say scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Yale University. Women* with blood group O are at a higher risk of running out of healthy eggs according to research presented this week at the American […]
11 Fertility Superfoods to Know About When Trying to Conceive
When you’re trying to conceive, you might feel like you need a PhD in nutrition. What foods should you be eating (or avoiding)? Will that glass of wine impact your fertility? It’s enough to make your head spin! Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Here are 11 fertility superfoods that can help increase your chances of […]
Chinese Herbs for Fertility
At Yinova, we are dedicated to putting integrative care within your reach, giving you the ability to take your health in hand. We do this by combining all the tools that Chinese medicine offers us — from acupuncture to gua sha, Chinese herbal formulas to nutritional advice, cupping to dietary guidance – each of these […]
CoQ10 and Fertility: Understanding the Connection
“Should I be taking CoQ10 if I’m trying to get pregnant?”  In most cases, the answer is yes.  CoQ10 is a coenzyme found in every cell of the human body that is essential to energy production and cellular function. For people trying to conceive, it can help eggs live up to their potential by supporting […]
What is a Fertility Baseline Test?
In a world where information is at our fingertips, fertility continues to have so many unknowns, but it doesn’t need to be this way. Getting a fertility assessment is an easy way to gather information for understanding your reproductive health. These assessments are an excellent choice for single individuals who know they want children but […]
Bring on the Healing: Our Wellness Guide for 2021
Setting a New Year’s resolution can give us focus, or it can add pressure and feel stressful. We’ve all been there. One minute we’re creating a self-improvement challenge, and the next, we’re overwhelmed by all the things we believe we ought to fix.  At the end of every year, there is a flurry of articles […]
Kale and quinoa in a bowl
Eating for Your Fertility Type: Tired
Three key ways to optimizing the diet for the Tired Type are to maintain balanced blood sugar levels, consume foods for hormonal balance, and support thermal digestion using Chinese balancing therapeutic principles. In Making Babies, Jill recommends a breakdown of 50% complex carbohydrates, 30% vegetables and fruits, and 20% high-quality protein for the Tired Type. […]
Woman standing in a maze of greenery
Navigating Your Fertility Journey Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
In the year 2020, it has been predicted that an estimated 276,480 women* in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 48,530 women* will be diagnosed with non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. For someone receiving a diagnosis like this, among a wide range of new concerns, thoughts of how to start a […]
Model making a dancing pose holding a tulip with her hands
Reimagined for Our Community: Yinova’s Fertility Type Quiz
Over a decade ago, Yinova founder Dr. Jill Blakeway wrote Making Babies, co-authored with a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Together, they pooled their Eastern & Western medicine knowledge to identify the Five Fertility Types. Since then, we’ve honed our approach to provide even more tailored guidance as a team. We’re excited to share our updated Fertility Type Quiz […]
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