
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 81-90 results of 395

What We’re Thankful for at Yinova
This year we thought it would be nice to take a moment and think about what we are grateful for, and we wanted to share with you!                                 Check out Yinova’s Pinterest board to see more gratitude posts from all […]
Nutrient-Dense Fats to Support Fertility
Do you know what the most essential nutritional element is in the fertility diet? Eating plenty of nutrient-dense fat! Many of my clients have looked skeptical when I say this. I always explain that good fat doesn’t make you fat because your body understands how to both break it down but also how to process […]
How to Keep a Healthy Testosterone Balance
When we hear about testosterone, it is often because we catch a whiff of a scandal involving some athlete or celebrity who has been caught juicing (the use of performance-enhancing drugs). If we think a little closer to home, a more realistic way of hearing about testosterone levels is when we start to see the signs […]
Zucchini “Pasta” with Avocado Pesto, Arugula and Shrimp
We first tasted zucchini pasta at a raw food restaurant a few years ago and were blown away by how similar it is to regular noodles only with some very notable health benefits. This article compares regular pasta to the veggie version and reveals that a normal bowl of pasta has 581 calories and 121g of carbs […]
a woman in athletic wear stretching on green grass
On Stretching
As a dancer, I can feel my body getting stiffer and less flexible within days of going without stretching. For most individuals it isn’t necessary to be able to touch your nose to your knees with your legs stretched out, so why is stretching so important? While studying exercise physiology, I have begun to notice […]
Organic thyme sits on a table at a farmers market, waiting to be picked up
Five Healing Herbs you can Grow on your Kitchen Windowsill
Growing a small herb garden on a sunny windowsill means you’ll be able to snip some herbs as you need them to cook. Many culinary herbs also have medicinal benefits, so you can make them into healing teas, tinctures, salves, and washes. Thyme, sage, and mint make an excellent cough syrup when mixed with ginger […]
Someone peacefully walking on a sandy beach, barefoot.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: More Common Than We Think
Do you feel pressure or heaviness between your legs? Have you ever had the strange sensation that something is falling out of your vagina? Does your vagina look or feel different since having a baby? Have you changed the way you urinate or have bowel movements to complete one? If you have ever asked yourself […]
5 Ways to Reduce your Risk of Breast Cancer
Most people who develop breast cancer have no genetic risk at all (that we know of). Some have less serious genetic issues that slightly increase their risk of breast cancer, a risk that can be managed and offset by adopting some lifestyle changes. And only very few (one in 400-800) carry the BRAC1 gene mutation […]
A minimalist kitchen with an orange dutch oven and some plants
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Laura’s Refrigerator
As a Baby Boomer, raised in the ’50s and ’60s, Laura Scheurer witnessed a change in how families congregated for meals and the food they ate. “I grew up with TV dinners, Ring Dings, Twinkies, Captain Crunch, Fruit Loops, bologna, white bread, coke, and chips,” Laura recounts. In contrast with the societal shift to processed foods, Laura’s […]
Feeling Fatigued? Use Food to Build More Blood!
Feeling fatigued? Instead of drinking more coffee, try building more blood! During the menstruation cycle, the amount of blood loss can lead people to become, what Chinese medicine would refer to as, “blood deficient.” There are other causes of blood deficiency as well, like low amounts of iron or B12-containing foods in one’s diet, among other […]
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