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Displaying 71-80 results of 395

An Infertility Gratitude List
You’ve heard the story a thousand times before: woman spends the better part of her adult life trying to not get pregnant then tries to get pregnant and can’t… Shortly after turning 36, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I decided we wanted to have kids together. At first we thought it could happen right […]
close up of a womans face with her hands in a prayer pose in front of her mouth
Ask the Herbalist: Are There Fertility Herbs?
A quick google search for “Fertility Herb” yields a ton of recommendations aimed at anyone looking to improve their chances of conceiving naturally. But, because there isn’t just one cause of infertility, there shouldn’t really be blanket recommendations that apply to anyone and everyone. In fact, there could even be some negative effects of taking, […]
a close up of two people holding hands on the beach
What is an IUI & How Can Acupuncture Support the Process?
Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, has become increasingly common and often one of the first interventions offered to those struggling to conceive. Let’s break down what it is, when it’s a good choice to try, tips for having optimal outcomes, and how acupuncture can support the whole process. What exactly is IUI and how does it […]
A woman in a long white skirt walking up a flight of stairs
How to Find a Great Chinese Medicine Practitioner
The process of finding a practitioner who fits your needs, clicks with your personality, is also experienced and a pro in the area of expertise you are seeking to focus on can be challenging to say the least. However, we are here to help make it easier! Whether you are looking for an acupuncturist to […]
purple sherbet on a spoon in front of a purple background
The Scoop on Cold Foods
If you’ve ever been to see an acupuncturist, you’ve likely received advice to steer clear of cold foods. This can be a tough pill to swallow, especially for people who love salads and iced drinks (venti cold brew, anyone?) The good news is that there are definitely some things that you can do to balance […]
black woman standing happily against an art filled wall
Detoxing after an IVF Cycle
After going through a cycle of IVF the body often needs a little extra TLC to come back to center. Irregular periods, hot flashes, muscle aches, and bloating are some common signs that your body might appreciate a gentle detox.  
Yoga and Repetitive Stress Injuries
“Does anyone have any injuries?” I cannot think of one class I’ve been in where no one raises a hand, or as the teacher walks around there isn’t a whispered admission of pain. However, the most unfortunate part is that the pains we feel are often a result of our own yoga practice, and we don’t […]
Book Review: Your Best Pregnancy
We are happy to recommend a new book for pregnancy support! Our good friend Jill Hoefs and her colleague Denise Jagroo have written a very helpful book about all the aches and pains and other side effects during the stages of pregnancy.  Jill is a trusted physical therapist here in New York City and works […]
Beyond Chocolate and Oysters
Valentine’s Day brings with it a lot of pressure. We’re expected to have a perfect night out with champagne, flowers, and candlelight. Unfortunately, most of the time, the reality is that it is a crowded night to be out, with a prix fixe meal, you and your date are squeezed into a busy restaurant where […]
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