
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 61-70 results of 395

Women surrounded by giant leaves
Folate vs. Folic Acid During Pregnancy
Most people who are pregnant or are trying to conceive are aware of the necessity of taking folic acid (vitamin B9), the imperative nutrient for preventing neural tube birth defects. What is less known is that there are various forms of the vitamin and that differentiating between them is important when choosing a prenatal dietary […]
Person holding some face wash
Cool Tips for Bothersome Winter Skin
Wintertime can be tough for many reasons; bitter cold days, stressful occasions, and unrelenting dry skin. For me, it’s the dry skin that produces the most amount of struggle. I have the honor of being surrounded by creative practitioners every day, so I asked them for some helpful tips!   From the inside out The most […]
Woman holding a decorative bundle of wintery plants
Tackling Anxiety From a Chinese Medicine Perspective
There’s nothing quite like the holiday season. Parties, great food & drinks, beautiful decorations, the festive spirit, and lots of time with family and friends. While these can all be wonderful, fun-filled things, for many of us, the holidays can also be a time where anxiety rears its ugly head. There are many different causes […]
Woman smiling
The Importance of Having a Pre-mester
Some of the most rewarding things in life often require a decent amount of preparation. As you start thinking about getting pregnant, consider taking three months prior to your goal conception month to prepare your body to conceive. Why three months you ask? Studies have shown that it takes your ovarian follicles around 90-120 to […]
Gratitude Journal
Taking Time to Focus on the Good
Wherever your mind goes, your Qi follows. This sentiment is one that we love and use often in our practice. It’s another way of saying that what you focus on, grows. And to us, it makes sense to focus on the good things. In light of that, we’d love to share with you some of the […]
Yinova Center Reception
When Does the Healing Process Begin?
If I were to ask you when you thought the healing process began, how would you respond? It’s difficult to pinpoint, isn’t it? Does it begin when you walk in? Perhaps it starts when you’re laying on the table? Or maybe it kicks in as soon as you leave your treatment?  I think the reason […]
Fertility Foods: Galbi Inspired Pork Tenderloin
Here at Yinova, we often work with people who are looking for support during their fertility journeys. Some are trying to conceive naturally and some are trying with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF). No matter what your path to pregnancy is, diet and lifestyle can play a key […]
A woman standing in the sun
More Than Just “Baby Blues”
Our expectation of pregnancy and new parenthood is often one of great excitement and joy but what if that’s not always the reality? We commonly see these experiences portrayed as some of the most blissful and fulfilling times in our lives, and we often feel pressure to act happy or tell others how great things […]
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