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Displaying 51-60 results of 395

Acupressure for Labor: Tools to Alleviate Pain and Calm the Spirit
In these extraordinary times, some pregnant women are being faced with the surreal predicament of needing to give birth without the support of loved ones present. Most mothers-to-be envision having a partner, a doula, a mother, or some other support person by their side while giving birth. Whether your partner is quarantined far away from […]
Full moon over pink mountains
April’s Pink Supermoon: The Brightest Moon of 2020
The evening of Tuesday, April 7th will boast the most resplendent Full Moon of the year. We’re here to reveal all you need to know about what this beautiful moon will bring and how you can best take care of your physical and energetic bodies in preparation for this exquisite lunar event. Facts & Figures […]
Blog author, Selina, and her son enjoying a sunny day in the park
How I Explained COVID-19 to My 5 Year Old
The outbreak of COVID-19 has left parents scrambling. Since my son Christopher (aged 5) has started school, there have been times where I’ve had to have meaningful conversations with him. Topics such as bullying, being kind to others, sharing, and what it means to be a friend has popped up on more than one occasion. […]
man with mist around his mist
Moving Through Collective Grief
As I listen to the concerns of my patients and process my own emotions, I am reminded of the stages of grief formulated by the great psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who pioneered end-of-life care. She observed common stages in her patients who were struggling with loss: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We’ve all had moments […]
Woman meditating as a form of reducing stress and anxiety levels
How Stress Impacts Our Reproductive Hormones
We are living in uncertain times, and with uncertainty brings a level of heightened stress. As I write this, the COVID-19 global pandemic is at its peak in the US: most businesses are shut, many people have lost their jobs, and thousands are being diagnosed with a potentially deadly virus each day. We have truly […]
Hand holding new tree blossom
At Home Support for Morning Sickness
Pregnancy nausea and vomiting, more commonly known as morning sickness, can strike at any time of day. Some women experience fairly mild nausea that may be exacerbated by fatigue or an empty stomach, while other women experience more severe symptoms. Morning sickness is most common in the first trimester, although some women may experience nausea […]
someone laying in bed, with the blankets covering their face.
A Chinese Medicine Approach to Navigating Flu Season
From a Chinese medicine perspective, there is more than one way to categorize and diagnose different types of Colds and cases of Flu, based on your signs and symptoms. For example, some Colds may present with more heat-related symptoms like fever and swollen throat; whereas other Colds may present with more cold-related symptoms like chills […]
Icebergs melting
Environmental Trauma from a Chinese Medicine Perspective 
Changes in our weather patterns can impact more than just the clothing choices we make; it can also impact our mental health. With more dramatic shifts in our environment – from fires to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions to shocking temperatures – instances of environmental trauma are becoming increasingly prevalent. In this article, I will share some simple […]
Woman in the middle of her skin care routine
Tackling Premenstrual Acne from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
Many women come to me before getting their period who are suffering from acne. This is also a common complaint of women who have recently come off the pill. The skin is the largest organ in the human body yet so often we neglect it unless something goes wrong. When issues present on the skin, […]
Couple in Hotel bed caressing. The woman is looking into the man's eyes
Postpartum Dyspareunia: Painful Sex After Having a Baby
So, you’ve survived 9 months of pregnancy, successfully brought your tiny human into the world, and have weathered the 6-8 weeks of recovery like the superhero that you truly are. Your doctor has given you the good to go, so it is finally time to return to a normal sex life! Right? Well, as it […]
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