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Displaying 41-50 results of 395

 Patient receiving gua sha from a Yinova practitioner
The Beginner’s Guide to Gua Sha
In Chinese medicine, gua sha is an ancient technique that can be used to relieve acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, improve circulation and reduce inflammation, support the immune system and address upper respiratory illnesses, and release tension in areas where there is restricted movement. It can even be used for beautifying techniques like de-puffing and […]
woman standing in the sun with her hands in her hair
Sweat: What it Means From a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
Sweating is an essential function of the body that helps to excrete metabolic wastes, cool the body down, and moisten our skin. The way in which we sweat is affected by a lot of factors including diet, medications, mood, hormone levels, and the presence of certain medical conditions.  Sweat is an important part of diagnostics […]
Blossoms on a city background
Our Practitioner’s Favorite Routines
In this moment of transition, it can feel like I’m floating between two worlds: New York City before COVID19, and New York City after. I am so privileged to have my health, my work, and a home I feel safe in, but I have been struggling to ground myself and stay present. I’ve been thinking […]
light pink roses on white background
How to Use Roses, From a Chinese Medicine Perspective
“Ahhh…” – that feeling when you smell a fragrant, sweet rose and let out a long sigh.  Yinova practitioner, Dr. Meghan Sultana describes why roses are so useful in Chinese medicine:  In Chinese herbology, we use Mei Gui Hua (dried Chinese rosebuds, or rosae rugosae flos) to invoke this exact feeling of ease. Mei gui […]
Yinova Center Reception
Acupuncture is now an Essential Service in New York
We have good news! Acupuncture has recently been deemed an essential service in New York state, and we’re thrilled to be able to re-open our doors! We are very grateful to have been able to serve so many of you through our virtual visits and are excited that we will soon be available for in-person […]
How to Prepare For a Cleanse
Spring cleaning is a common chore we do every year; it helps us refresh and bring balance and order into our homes. Much like our homes, spring cleaning our bodies can be a nice transition into the new season, but choosing the right cleanse for you is a process in itself.  Before we talk about how […]
box of matches ready to light some sage
The Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
The true beginning of my meditation practice came at a transformative period in my life. I was 19, coming out of my first year of college, entering the start of my twenties, teetering the line of what I understood to be childhood and adulthood. I had also, suddenly, shockingly, lost my best friend of 14 […]
book on a couch with a blanket
May Book Club- Jonathan Livingston Seagull
The next Yinova Book Club will be held on May 25th at 6:30 pm and will be led by Yinova Practitioner, Dr. Daryl Thuroff, where she will be discussing, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach.  The discussion is free to attend and please feel free to invite your family or friends to join us as […]
woman holding a seed stick
Seed Cycling: How to Bring your Hormones Back into Balance
We talk about hormonal balance a lot here at the Yinova center; in fact, one of the most common things we hear when seeing someone for the first time is that they feel their hormones are “off” in some way:  causing disruptions to their menstrual cycles, skin, digestion, energy, or mood. We see hormonal imbalances present […]
Woman sitting in hammock inside
How to Support Your Fertility, From Home
This global crisis has left many of us feeling scared and lost; having to put your life on hold for an unknown amount of time can feel incredibly frustrating, especially if you are in the process of trying to conceive.  At Yinova we are here to support you. Whether you are trying to conceive naturally, […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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