
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2"

Displaying 21-30 results of 395

A clean kitchen, ready for cooking!
What Does Your Acupuncturist Eat? A Look Inside Kymberly’s Refrigerator
Kymberly Kelly opens up her refrigerator doors and chats about being a former “junk-food junkie” gone, clean-eating enthusiast. You have a very stocked refrigerator for a New Yorker. Is it hard to keep the shelves full? It is. I got into a habit of keeping the refrigerator stocked this summer because I wanted to make my […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Musculoskeletal Discomfort
Even very early in pregnancy, your body begins to transform to accommodate and prepare for childbirth. Your pelvic girdle shifts to support a growing fetus and as pregnancy advances, weight is redistributed sometimes stressing musculoskeletal structures as they shift, adjust, and realign. This causes a change in your center of gravity. Some of the hormones […]
What Type Are You? The 5 Elements
Do you prefer soft floating fabrics or something more structured and formal? Do you love being by water or prefer walking in the country? Are you quick to anger or someone who keeps things bottled up? Are you naturally lean and muscular or is your body more curvy and rounded? Do you come alive in […]
An array of colorful, hot peppers, filled with healing powers and capabilities
Some Like it Hot: The Healing Power of Peppers
When I go to a restaurant and look over a menu, I can be rather indecisive. One question that I never linger on though is “would you like that mild, medium, or hot?” Hot peppers are a favorite seasoning in our home, and we grow them from seed in our garden. Whether it is the […]
creamy soup
Butternut Squash and Kale Soup
This is a wonderful soup for people who are tired or convalescing because in Chinese medicine winter squash is a qi tonic. Butternut squash is mostly eaten in the autumn when it is said to have absorbed the sun’s energy over the summer and packs a warming nutritional punch as the days get colder. However, […]
Full Moon
Tonight’s Rare Lunar Eclipse: A Chinese Medicine Perspective
According to NASA, an unusual astronomical drama will play out tonight when a full lunar eclipse will coincide with the winter solstice for the first time in several centuries. The last time this happened was in 1648 and astronomers believe that this is only the second such occurrence in the last two millennia. The winter […]
beet leaves, packed with nutrients
Beet and Cucumber Salad with Yogurt Dressing
A few weeks ago I posted a recipe for Summer Borscht which prompted one of my Facebook friends to ask for more beet recipes. I’m happy to oblige because I love beets mostly for their sweet taste but also because they contain powerful nutrients that help to fight against anemia, heart disease, liver disorders, gallbladder […]
flour, ready for baking!
Seedy Soda Bread
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a much-loved British TV chef and cookbook author who writes about gardening, farming, and cooking. Whittingstall’s wonderful book The River Cottage Cookbook covers everything from planting a vegetable garden to butchering a pig. It earned him the nickname Hugh Fearlessly-Eatsitall in the British press and I consider it a bible. This soda bread […]
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