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Displaying 11-20 results of 395

a white woman wearing a black hat standing in a corn field
How Acupuncture Can Assist You Through The Egg Freezing Process
Facebook, Apple, and Google are leading the way to a new era of family planning. With an uptick in progressive health insurance plans that cover elective egg freezing, an increasing number of millennials are now considering taking advantage of this new option. Connecting with Patients In step with this development is a boom in the […]
freshly picked apples, ready for a baked crumble!
It’s Apple Picking Time: A Recipe for Apple (or Pear!) Crumble
I love the rhythms of the country and the way the passage of time is marked by the fruits and vegetables we grow and the foods we eat. I look forward to each crop from the early summer peas and beans to the autumn pumpkins and squashes. However, nothing generates more excitement in our house […]
a rustic kitchen, ready for roasting some seasonal autumnal veggies
Roasted Root Vegetables
We’re enjoying beautiful crisp autumn weather in upstate New York this weekend.  The sky is clear and blue, the sun is shining but there’s a slight chill in the air which makes me think of cooking nourishing food after a long walk with the dog. Our vegetable garden has lost most of its summer abundance […]
friends embracing autumn nodes
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Autumn
Bustling school children and ubiquitous Pumpkin Spice can only mean one thing…it’s officially Autumn. Although the Fall Equinox arrives in late September, the Seasonal Nodes have slowly shifted to Autumn since early August.  What are Seasonal Nodes, you may ask? Based on both solar and lunar calendars, the 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, are […]
A Deeper Look at Grief from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
I’m often asked by my patients how I got into this type of Medicine. When I tell them I was originally needle phobic and tried it as a last resort to help with grief, the majority of them say – “I had no idea acupuncture could work for that.”  To which I usually reply, “neither […]
pictured is a little girl of Asian descent wearing a green coat playing with bubbles outside
Exploring the New Generation of Family Spaces with Cocoon
We are so lucky to be able to connect with thoughtful businesses that offer support to our Yinova community in so many ways and our friends over at Cocoon are no exception! We’ve caught up with Cocoon’s co-founder, Megan Lucas Chong, and Lucy Perotta, Cocoon’s Before and After Baby Coordinator to learn more about their new space. […]
Bring on the Healing: Our Wellness Guide for 2021
Setting a New Year’s resolution can give us focus, or it can add pressure and feel stressful. We’ve all been there. One minute we’re creating a self-improvement challenge, and the next, we’re overwhelmed by all the things we believe we ought to fix.  At the end of every year, there is a flurry of articles […]
a handful of pink mushrooms lay on a wooden chopping board
A Look Into the World of Hormonal Health with Sophie Shepard
Here at Yinova, we treat all of our patients using a whole-body system and we love connecting with other health practitioners who take the same approach. Most of our patients are coming to us for guidance on their hormonal imbalances, which we often treat through their gut.  We recently caught up with Sophie Shepard, a […]
Yinova's herbal line
COVID-19: How We Plan to Continue to Care For Our Community 
As this global pandemic has officially been declared a National Emergency, it’s safe to say that coronavirus (COVID-19) is on everyone’s mind. We have decided to close our centers to allow people to distance themselves socially in the hope that this will prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here at Yinova, our dedicated team of health […]
Confident woman
5 Questions I Wish I Had the Answers to at the Start of My Fertility Journey
Infertility is super overwhelming. Correction: probably the most overwhelming experience you’ve ever had in your entire life. At least that’s how it felt—and often still feels—to me when I realized getting pregnant was not going to be all rainbows and butterflies and ClearBlue commercials. Throughout my fertility journey, I’ve been fortunate enough to have access to […]
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