
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_1_0.woff2"

Displaying 81-90 results of 327

Icebergs melting
Environmental Trauma from a Chinese Medicine Perspective 
Changes in our weather patterns can impact more than just the clothing choices we make; it can also impact our mental health. With more dramatic shifts in our environment – from fires to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions to shocking temperatures – instances of environmental trauma are becoming increasingly prevalent. In this article, I will share some simple […]
Picnic blanket laid out with an open book
March Book Club – Ask Me About My Uterus
The next Yinova Book Club will be held on March 25th at 6:30 pm and will be led by Kelsey Tangel at Yinova Brooklyn Heights, where she will be discussing Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women’s Pain by Abby Norman. This discussion is free to attend and please feel […]
Woman in the middle of her skin care routine
Tackling Premenstrual Acne from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
Many women come to me before getting their period who are suffering from acne. This is also a common complaint of women who have recently come off the pill. The skin is the largest organ in the human body yet so often we neglect it unless something goes wrong. When issues present on the skin, […]
Couple in Hotel bed caressing. The woman is looking into the man's eyes
Postpartum Dyspareunia: Painful Sex After Having a Baby
So, you’ve survived 9 months of pregnancy, successfully brought your tiny human into the world, and have weathered the 6-8 weeks of recovery like the superhero that you truly are. Your doctor has given you the good to go, so it is finally time to return to a normal sex life! Right? Well, as it […]
Lucky lanterns for lunar new year
Healthy Almond Cookies for Lunar New Year
This year, Lunar New Year falls on January 25th and is the Year of the Rat! We’ll share more later this week about what the Year of the Rat has in store for us, but today I thought I’d celebrate by baking Chinese Almond Cookies. They’re said to look like coins and symbolize prosperity and so […]
Person holding some face wash
Cool Tips for Bothersome Winter Skin
Wintertime can be tough for many reasons; bitter cold days, stressful occasions, and unrelenting dry skin. For me, it’s the dry skin that produces the most amount of struggle. I have the honor of being surrounded by creative practitioners every day, so I asked them for some helpful tips!   From the inside out The most […]
Someone holding 4 books up in the air
January Book Club – Conversations with God
We are so excited to announce that in the New Year we will be hosting a monthly book club! Each discussion will be lead by a different member of the Yinova team and at different Yinova clinics each month! We’ll remind you about the upcoming book club meeting a week beforehand and at the same […]
Woman holding a decorative bundle of wintery plants
Tackling Anxiety From a Chinese Medicine Perspective
There’s nothing quite like the holiday season. Parties, great food & drinks, beautiful decorations, the festive spirit, and lots of time with family and friends. While these can all be wonderful, fun-filled things, for many of us, the holidays can also be a time where anxiety rears its ugly head. There are many different causes […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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