
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_1_0.woff2"

Displaying 51-60 results of 327

India's rolling green hills
A Look Into the World of Ayurveda with Divya Alter
Chinese medicine and Ayurveda are two sciences that put emphasis on prevention and intuition. We had the honor of chatting with Divya Alter, co-founder of Divya’s Kitchen and Bhagavat Life in New York City to learn more about Ayurveda and the role it plays in her life.   How did your journey into nutrition and Ayurveda […]
On Vaccinations: Why Get the Covid Vaccine? 
Since late January we have seen an extraordinary rollout of the Coronavirus vaccine and – along with responsible masking and social distancing – a significant reduction in infections, illnesses, and deaths. Shortly after the vaccines became available, Yinova team members took advantage of them and we wrote about our experiences both getting and helping to […]
How Chinese Medicine Can Help You Prepare for the COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID Vaccine, as it’s colloquially called, has sparked discussions around the world. Among the many questions, some of the more common ones are, “ is the vaccine safe?” and “I’ve heard about side effects, what do they mean and how can I protect myself?” Safety has always been incredibly important to us; the pandemic […]
Yinova branded ear seed kit laying on fluffy white carpet
The Wonderful World of Ear Acupoints and Ear Seeds
Did you know that your ear is a microcosm of the rest of your body? “What does that even mean?” I hear you ask!  That means that your entire body is represented in your ear by dozens of acupoints. This microsystem reflects our health and can be used for treatment; in fact, ear acupuncture can be an […]
Yinova Brooklyn Heights waiting room
What To Do After Your Acupuncture Treatment
We’ve written before about how to best prepare for a treatment but what about after you get out of an acupuncture treatment? Yinova practitioners Aileen Moy, DACM, LAc, Kelsey Tangel DACM, LAc, and Thea McCallion LAc, MS are sharing their advice on the most commonly asked post-treatment questions our patients have! Right after treatment is such […]
A person's hand out stretched with green vines and leaves wrapped around
Is it Possible to “Over-Boost” Your Immune System?
Thoughts, from a Chinese medicine perspective, on how to Exercise Your Immune System to Support it’s Flexibility and Adaptiveness. Without a doubt, this year has been one of the most worrisome in terms of supporting our immune systems and staying healthy. Just as masks and frequent handwashing have become a part of our new normal, […]
a closeup of two white men holding each other
How to Reclaim Your Sexual Identity with Simone Farschi
Here at Yinova, it’s not uncommon for us to hear from our patients that they feel they’ve lost a connection with their sexuality. We treat many patients going through fertility journeys, navigating the postpartum world, or experiencing painful sex for a variety of reasons-all of which can change their outlooks on what it means to […]
A cute kid wearing big blue waterproof shoes walks through a park with red and brown leaves on the ground
A Runny Nose: How to Tell What it Means for Your Child
From a Chinese medicine perspective, every season has its own affinity to different organ systems. For example, the internal organ associated with Autumn is the lungs. Our lungs play a crucial role in circulating your Wei Qi, which is essentially our outer defense system that protects us from pathogenic influences. The sensory organ associated with […]
Woman standing in a maze of greenery
Navigating Your Fertility Journey Through a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
In the year 2020, it has been predicted that an estimated 276,480 women* in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and 48,530 women* will be diagnosed with non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. For someone receiving a diagnosis like this, among a wide range of new concerns, thoughts of how to start a […]
a hand holding small flowers against a white brick wall
Acupuncture & Physical Therapy: An Integrated Approach to Pelvic Floor Health
Join Jessie Weinberg, the Director of Pelvic Health at SPEAR Physical Therapy, and Jill Blakeway, Yinova founder and Doctor of Chinese Medicine, for a discussion on how to combine acupuncture and physical therapy to address pelvic disorders, especially those with a gynecological, urological, or digestive root. Together, acupuncture and Physical Therapy can help calm the […]
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We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments seven days a week, with appointment times available all day. We have locations in Manhattan & Brooklyn & also offer concierge visits. See All Locations.

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