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Displaying 41-50 results of 327

Back to School with Some Healthy Habits
It’s that time of year again! Children are heading back to school. Parents often have mixed feelings around this. Most of our Yinova parents tell me they feel a bit wistful that summer is over whilst at the same time breathing a giant sigh of relief as everyone gets back into a routine. At this time […]
fresh herbs on a cutting board
A Recipe for Beer-Can Chicken
Beer Can Chicken: it’s a simple concept. Make a tasty rub for your chicken and keeping it whole, prop it up on an open can of beer over the barbecue. As the chicken cooks the beer simmers inside and the steam cooks the bird from the inside out. This allows the flavor of the beer […]
creamy soup
Butternut Squash and Kale Soup
This is a wonderful soup for people who are tired or convalescing because in Chinese medicine winter squash is a qi tonic. Butternut squash is mostly eaten in the autumn when it is said to have absorbed the sun’s energy over the summer and packs a warming nutritional punch as the days get colder. However, […]
a close up of a woman holding a tan blanket around her shoulders
8 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Circulation
Do your hands and feet ever get noticeably colder than the rest of you? Maybe you wake up before your extremities do? Perhaps you get pins and needles if you sit for too long? These are all signs of mild circulatory problems that many of my patients ignore or dismiss as a minor inconvenience. However, in Chinese […]
beet leaves, packed with nutrients
Beet and Cucumber Salad with Yogurt Dressing
A few weeks ago I posted a recipe for Summer Borscht which prompted one of my Facebook friends to ask for more beet recipes. I’m happy to oblige because I love beets mostly for their sweet taste but also because they contain powerful nutrients that help to fight against anemia, heart disease, liver disorders, gallbladder […]
sliced cucumbers
Fertility-Friendly Recipes From One of Our Patients
One of our lovely Yinova patients was reading our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility when they had a thought: why don’t we start sharing some fertility-friendly recipes on the blog? I loved the idea and thought their first two recipe suggestions were great! These recipes are inspired by our book and […]
Hormonal Reasons for Reduced Fertility: Luteal Phase Defect
When a patient first consults me I ask lots of questions, some of which may seem off-topic, but together they give me a picture of their internal landscape and from there the detective work begins. Sometimes I manage to spot something very simple that may be getting in the way of conceiving and an example […]
Woman with blue and white striped shirt holds a plate of lemons
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Spring
You’re probably familiar with the solar calendar (used widely today) and the lunar calendar (from many ancient cultures) – but have you heard of the Solar Terms?  The 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, based on both solar and lunar calendars, are biweekly divisions that reflect significant shifts in nature. People in East Asia have […]
Autumn Recipes to Nourish Your Yin
In Traditional Chinese medicine, Autumn represents the beginning of the Yin cycle. This is a time where people, animals, and plants begin to slow down and turn in for the coming winter months. In Autumn, we move from the external, expansive nature of summer to a more internal nature. While we still have a few […]
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