
Results for "Caring for summer’s minor mishaps/wp-content/themes/yinova/assets/fonts/3874B6_1_0.woff2"

Displaying 271-280 results of 327

A clothes line out side of a building, and on it hands one beige t-shirt and two pairs of underwear, one black and one white
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Embarrassing Itches
During pregnancy, a thickening of the vaginal muscle layer, combined with an increase in the hormone estrogen, will cause the cells in the vagina to multiply in preparation for childbirth. As a result, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. This is similar to the discharge experienced during the menstrual cycle; however, during pregnancy, […]
Two people laying together outside, taking in the sunshine and enjoying the day
Treating Depression: The Chinese Medicine Alternative to SSRI’s
Depression and its counterpart anxiety are the most common mood disorders, affecting approximately one in five people at some point in their lives. Over the years, treatments for depression and anxiety have evolved into what we know today. SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are a relatively new group of antidepressants that specifically inhibit the reuptake […]
Is Stress Lowering Your Sex Drive?
I wrote Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido because patients tell me they wish they were more interested in sex and when I ask them what they think lowers their libido they often mention stress. Stressed out people usually don’t feel like having sex, which is a shame really because sex is a great stress reliever. The relationship […]
pregnant woman sitting by water fountain
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Varicose Veins
When entering the second trimester of pregnancy, approximately weeks 12 – 24, the draining symptoms of the first trimester have for most become a memory. Many find this period the “honeymoon stage,” the most enjoyable part of pregnancy. With an upsurge in energy, many find it is now easier to eat, sleep, and work. Your […]
Feeling Stuck? Here Are Our Constipation Solutions
These are just some of the euphemisms I regularly hear from patients when we discuss their digestion, and they almost always refer to constipation. In my practice and across the nation, constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints people have. It is typically a temporary condition and is usually a symptom of imbalance […]
Clean lungs on a model skeleton
Can Acupuncture Help Me Stop Smoking?
Here at The Yinova Center we often hear from people who are trying to give up smoking. We understand that quitting smoking can be really tough and we want to support you in whatever way we can. So can acupuncture help? The answer according to clinical research is mixed. This study compared acupuncture to sham […]
Our Advice Going Gluten Free
Lots of us enjoy trying something fresh for the New Year. And since many of you have been buzzing about going gluten-free, we thought we’d explore it further. If you feel like you don’t understand all the fuss, you are not alone. With so much media attention, going gluten-free is quickly becoming a fad diet […]
The Inner Smile Meditation
“Peace begins with a smile” – Mother Theresa The ancient Taoists, who were the founding fathers of Chinese medicine, understood the healing nature of a smile. In fact, they developed a meditation practice whereby you hold a smile on your face and direct that energy inwards to your internal organs. It’s one of my favorite […]
man kissing baby on the cheek
Bond With Your Baby by Learning Infant Massage
My practice specializes in reproductive health. In many cases, I work with patients for Fertility Enhancement on to Pre & Postnatal massage so it’s natural for me to add Infant Massage to the services I offer my patients. For me the best part is passing on a skill – I don’t massage the babies I […]
How to Combat Jet Lag, Gently & Naturally
This is the time of year when our Yinova Center patients ask us about jet lag. Some people travel more in the summer and as a result, our patients are looking for safe, natural ways of limiting jet lag or desynchronosis to give it it’s proper medical name. A long flight on a stuffy plane […]
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