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Displaying 261-270 results of 327

5 Facts That You Might Not Have Known About Chinese Medicine
Let’s start with some basics, shall we? Traditional Chinese medicine is a 3,500-year-old system of medicine. It’s used to address a huge variety of ailments from minor imbalances to chronic conditions and is based on the philosophy that the human body is in a dynamic state of balance- both internally and with the outside world. When […]
How to Vaccinate Your Child, Safely
Here at Yinova we work hand-in-hand with MDs every day and our aim is to help our patients get the best of both worlds by combining biomedical care with Chinese medicine in an effective way.  As a practitioner who treats lots of children, I’m only too aware that parents worry about making the right choice […]
Supernatural Squad Goals
MaryAnn DiMarco is a psychic-medium who has been able to see the other side since she was child. She’s the author of a new book called Believe, Ask, Act where she explains how to tap into your “celestial team” to get advice. Jill asks her how we can all develop our intuition and open up […]
Lyme Disease: How Often Are We Misdiagnosed?
Jill takes a trip down to the farm store at Little Ghent Farm to talk to Mimi Beaven about her new book on preserving and jam making. Mimi’s also know for making excellent sourdough bread and she talks to Jill about cooking and baking on a farm. We then join Jill in the kitchen with self-nourishment coach Jeanette Bronée who shows […]
Buzz In Your Ear
Since the 1980s, ear acupuncture (also known as auriculotherapy) has been widely used in addition to whole-body acupuncture treatments. Ear acupuncture is particularly great at treating many types of addictions – for everything from drugs to smoking, eating disorders & gambling. But the power of ear acupuncture goes far beyond just treating behavioral problems. What […]
Finding Your Seasonal Sleep Rhythm
As we approach winter and the sun sets earlier and rises later, our circadian rhythm naturally changes as well. In our modernized world, many of us are unaware and continue on the same schedule of bedtime and waking as we have all Summer, but our bodies and brains are still tuned into the changing rhythm. […]
Understanding Menopause
“There is no more creative force in the world than the menopausal woman with zest.” Margaret Mead Change is a universal constant, from the cosmic to the microscopic. The natural rhythm of life is the ebb and flow of activity.  While we all experience change in form, function, and spirit from birth till death,  as […]
Book Review: Pee Shy by Frank Spinelli
New Yorkers know Frank Spinelli well. The Chelsea-based doctor found his place on the map with his 2008 book The Advocate Guide to Gay Men’s Health and Wellness. However, it’s his new book, a memoir entitled Pee Shy, that has readers from Whoopi Goldberg to Michelangelo Signorelli in awe of his story. By all accounts, Spinelli has it together. […]
a broken open coconut with water next to it
Hydrate Naturally!
It isn’t news to anyone that it is super hot out there. This summer has been more forgiving than last year, but there have still been a fair amount of swelteringly hot days. We wanted to give you some advice on how to hydrate and cool down, naturally! I went around the office and got […]
Supporting IVF with Dietary Therapy
Many of our patients pair their IVF treatments with traditional Chinese medicine. For those people, it is important to know some general traditional principles to help facilitate the process and make things easier and clearer. If you are one of these patients, in addition to your regular acupuncture regimen I would also suggest dietary therapy. […]
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