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Displaying 11-20 results of 327

Top 10 Fruits & Vegetables In Season In the Summer
Today, Sarah and I decided to take a little walk to the Union Square Green Market to buy some blueberries for the office. Everything is so fresh and colorful that when we got there we couldn’t help but take some pictures! Then we thought, “wouldn’t it be fun to make a list of some of […]
friends embracing autumn nodes
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Autumn
Bustling school children and ubiquitous Pumpkin Spice can only mean one thing…it’s officially Autumn. Although the Fall Equinox arrives in late September, the Seasonal Nodes have slowly shifted to Autumn since early August.  What are Seasonal Nodes, you may ask? Based on both solar and lunar calendars, the 24 Solar Terms, or Seasonal Nodes, are […]
a white woman wearing a black hat standing in a corn field
How Acupuncture Can Assist You Through The Egg Freezing Process
Facebook, Apple, and Google are leading the way to a new era of family planning. With an uptick in progressive health insurance plans that cover elective egg freezing, an increasing number of millennials are now considering taking advantage of this new option. Connecting with Patients In step with this development is a boom in the […]
Yoga and Repetitive Stress Injuries
“Does anyone have any injuries?” I cannot think of one class I’ve been in where no one raises a hand, or as the teacher walks around there isn’t a whispered admission of pain. However, the most unfortunate part is that the pains we feel are often a result of our own yoga practice, and we don’t […]
Book Review: Your Best Pregnancy
We are happy to recommend a new book for pregnancy support! Our good friend Jill Hoefs and her colleague Denise Jagroo have written a very helpful book about all the aches and pains and other side effects during the stages of pregnancy.  Jill is a trusted physical therapist here in New York City and works […]
What Type Are You? The 5 Elements
Do you prefer soft floating fabrics or something more structured and formal? Do you love being by water or prefer walking in the country? Are you quick to anger or someone who keeps things bottled up? Are you naturally lean and muscular or is your body more curvy and rounded? Do you come alive in […]
a rustic kitchen, ready for roasting some seasonal autumnal veggies
Roasted Root Vegetables
We’re enjoying beautiful crisp autumn weather in upstate New York this weekend.  The sky is clear and blue, the sun is shining but there’s a slight chill in the air which makes me think of cooking nourishing food after a long walk with the dog. Our vegetable garden has lost most of its summer abundance […]
Embracing the Seasonal Nodes: A Look at Winter
Winter Solstice: the pinnacle of darkness, stillness, and quiet, but with a glimmer of hope, renewal, and rebirth – the gradual return of light. It’s no coincidence that the most festive holidays occur during the shortest days of the year, as humanity attempts to balance darkness with light. Considered the midpoint of the winter Solar […]
The Autumn Equinox: A Reflection on Balance
The balance of light and dark in the heavens is on the cusp of being perfectly divided. We are approaching our autumn equinox. Unlike the solstices, which are experienced as the opposite extremes of summer and winter in the Northern or Southern hemispheres, the autumn and vernal equinoxes are a brief moment of equilibrium that […]
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