Cruciferous vegetables are a family rich in sulfur-containing compounds. Yes, this is what gives them their somewhat bitter taste and sometimes gassy aftermath, but flavor well and you should have no problem! If you suffer from PMS, are peri-menopausal, have fibroids or fibrocystic breasts, or are menopausal – these vegetables can be a great help. The sulfur-containing compounds, once broken down, help to form IC3, a phytonutrient that assists in the metabolism of estrogen. Estrogen dominance is becoming more and more of a problem these days as we continue to encounter machine-made estrogens in plastic and pesticides on top of our your body’s own estrogen. An excess of estrogen is often the culprit of fibrocystic breasts, fibroids, and painful periods.
You can support your body against an estrogen overload by providing it with the materials to deactivate and excrete any excess. Here are some vegetables that can help with this:
- Arugula
- Broccoli
- Broccolini
- Bok Choy
- Brussel sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Dandelion greens
- Kale
- Mustard Greens
- Radish
- Rutabaga
- Turnip
- Watercress
Finding it difficult to get enough every day? Try a vegetable powder! Although you should not substitute this for eating actual vegetables, vegetable powders are an easy way to incorporate even more vitamins and nutrients if you’re busy and on the go. Here at Yinova, we love Nano Greens. Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Formula
in capsule form is a really great option, especially when you are traveling. Whatever way you can bring more of these wonderful vegetables into your life, just do it. Your body will thank you!
Here are some yummy recipes from the Yinova blog which incorporate some of these veggies!
Spicy Kale & Yams, from Dr. Jeremy V. Pulsifer
Butternut Squash and Kale Soup, from Dr. Jill Blakeway
Kale, Lemon, and Cilantro Sandwich, from Dr. Jill Blakeway
Zoodles with Shrimp and Arugula, from Dr. Jill Blakeway