New sperm are created every day and those sperm come to fruition within 72 days. This is good news for people who want to give their fertility a boost because it means that within three months they can make a big difference to reproductive health. For more detailed information it is worth checking out our book Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility where Dr. David and I give specific advice based on their fertility type. Briefly though, here are five simple things that can be done that have a big impact on sperm quality and quantity.
1. Keep them cool
It’s important that the testicles are 1- 2 degrees cooler than the rest of the body and so taking hot baths or sitting with a laptop on your knee can be contributing to diminished fertility. Likewise, people who sit at a desk all day can become overheated so at the Yinova Center, we advise them to get up a move around once an hour to air off their private parts.
2. Eat right
You will find more information in Making Babies about how to eat right for your fertility type but all people can benefit from eating a wide range of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Poor intake of vitamin C and E and the minerals zinc and selenium can affect sperm quality and would-be parents with borderline sperm counts might want to consider supplementation.
3. Limit your exposure to toxic chemicals.
In Making Babies we discuss how the average sperm count for the average American has plummeted over the past few decades. Dr. David and I believe that environmental toxins and the main reason and so advise our patients to eat as much whole food as possible and to avoid processed foods.
4. Drop some bad habits
Smoking, whilst it does not reduce sperm count, does damage sperm DNA which can lead to a greater chance of miscarriage. Excessive alcohol use can affect hormone levels and lead to atrophy of the semeniferous tubules, loss of sperm cells, and an increase in abnormal sperm. Marijuana use has been shown to reduce sperm and semen volume. If you need help dropping unhealthy habits come on in to the Yinova Center. We are happy to support you.
5. Get checked out for hidden infections.
Infections such as chlamydia or ureaplasma can impair fertility and also lead to early miscarriages, and so we recommend that our patients ask their doctors for a semen culture to make sure that they are not infected.