
Results for "Pregnancy"

Displaying 1-10 results of 156

Book Review: Your Best Pregnancy
We are happy to recommend a new book for pregnancy support! Our good friend Jill Hoefs and her colleague Denise Jagroo have written a very helpful book about all the aches and pains and other side effects during the stages of pregnancy.  Jill is a trusted physical therapist here in New York City and works […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Conquering Pregnancy Fatigue
What an exciting time it is anticipating the birth of your baby, whether it is your first or a new addition to your growing family.  We can say with confidence, there are few experiences in life that top the moment your pregnancy is confirmed. At the Yinova Center in NYC, we offer acupuncture, herbal remedies, […]
What is a Chemical Pregnancy?
A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage that occurs before 5 weeks of pregnancy.  It happens when the egg has been fertilized by the sperm and becomes an embryo, but the embryo never implants in the uterine lining, implants improperly, or arrests in development before any evidence of the pregnancy can be detected on […]
woman standing in sunlight field of flowers
Chemical Pregnancies & Early Pregnancy Loss
Some of my patients tell me that they feel pregnant towards the end of some cycles but then get a negative pregnancy test. Others briefly show a positive result on a home pregnancy test but then get their period. I encourage my patients to look out for the early warning signs of pregnancy because they […]
Sitting in some tall grass, peacefully
The Early Signs of Pregnancy
Patient’s often ask me what the early signs of pregnancy are. It is useful to look out for them even though they can be a little confusing. Realistically, the only conclusive way of knowing that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test however the signs outlined below may give you a hint. Digestive Changes […]
“I’m Pregnant! Now what?!” Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy
Even when you’ve meticulously planned your journey to pregnancy, arriving at your destination can catch you by surprise. Now that you’re expecting, what’s next? Nurturing a Healthy Pregnancy Birth is often likened to a marathon. It’s a big event with big demands on the body. A little training and prep work goes a long way. […]
Woman in orange shirt standing by brick wall
How to Spot the Early Signs of Pregnancy
Our patient’s often ask us what the early signs of pregnancy are. It is useful to look out for them even though they can be a little confusing. Realistically, the only conclusive way of knowing that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test however the signs outlined below may give you a hint. Our […]
Hand holding new tree blossom
At Home Support for Morning Sickness
Pregnancy nausea and vomiting, more commonly known as morning sickness, can strike at any time of day. Some women experience fairly mild nausea that may be exacerbated by fatigue or an empty stomach, while other women experience more severe symptoms. Morning sickness is most common in the first trimester, although some women may experience nausea […]
A bowl of oranges and lemons
Foods to Eat & to Avoid During Pregnancy
When I was expecting my daughter I vividly remember bursting into tears in the middle of a supermarket. Partly this mild hysteria was due to my pregnancy hormones but I also felt overwhelmed by all the conflicting advice and seemingly dire warnings around pregnancy and food. It seemed as if the advice kept changing and […]
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