Acupuncture is a ancient Chinese medicine technique which stimulates specific points on the body. By inserting thin needles through the skin, acupuncture is able to ease knee pain and chronic knee pain in patients. In a 2014 study, patients experiencing chronic knee pain and osteoarthritis that received acupuncture showed more improvement than others that received simulated laser acupuncture. Patients that received acupuncture performed consistently better and were able to better manage their knee pain.
In a German study, some of 300,000+ individuals suffering from knee pain and osteoarthritis received up to 15 sessions of acupuncture in combination with their usual medical care. The group reported less pain, less stiffness, improved function, and a better quality of life than those that did not receive acupuncture. Improvements were immediate following their three month treatment course.
Acupuncture for knee pain has been well studied and is very effective. From arthritis to chronic or acute injuries, acupuncture can decrease inflammation, speed healing time, improve circulation, and interrupt pain signaling.