Migraines can be tough to manage, but acupuncture has proven to be one way to help. The combination of Chinese herbs, dietary and lifestyle changes, along with regular acupuncture can help eradicate even the most stubborn migraine presentations. Acupuncture can also be a helpful adjunct therapy for patients taking medications for migraines. Acupuncture offers substantial benefits and not only stops headaches and migraines, but prevents them in the future. Because of it, its a great option for those looking to improve quality of life.
According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers randomly divided over 400 adults from ages 18-65 that suffer from chronic headaches and migraines. One group received 12 acupuncture sessions over a 3 month period in addition to their standard medical care. After a year, those that received acupuncture treatments experienced less headaches, used 15% less medication, and made 25% fewer visits to the doctor.
A study by the Women’s Headache Centre in Turin displayed similar results. Those patients that received acupuncture needed less medication and experienced less headaches than those taking medication alone.
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Acupuncture is a 2,000 year old form of Chinese medicine. Acupuncture involves placing needles just below the skin onto specific points on the body. The needles release endorphins and encourage the body’s own natural healing mechanisms. Watch the video below from clinic director, Jill Blakeway on what Acupuncture feels like